Cranial osteopath Simon Prideaux email:
telephone: 07501 221 701
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About Treatment

The healing restorative power of stillness.

Our lives are busy. Distractions abound. Sometimes the first step to healing is to stop for a moment or two, take stock, breathe and let go. Rest is the best natural remedy available. Space to breathe and time to eat are also important.

Contemplation and stillness although natural do not always come easily at first but as we are held in a safe place with non-judgmental positive regard peace can descend as stillness is invited.

In that place and time of stillness not only clarity but great change is possible and often there’s an ‘aha’ moment when we see clearly the root of our troubles. This can be a powerful experience of healing.


Osteopathy is a touch-based therapy, for the treatment of conditions affecting muscles, nerves, bones and ligaments, but one which addresses this holistically with an understanding that no symptom exists in isolation.

Simon emphasises the importance of full context when understanding health and disease and will take into account as many factors as possible that may influence the personal state of wellbeing.

Structure and function are intimately related - if the structure is not aligned and balanced then function is reduced or sub-optimal.

Body parts function as a part of the whole and Osteopaths may therefore treat areas where there are no symptoms but which may be associated with the symptom areas. One area of the person or body that is not functioning well may lead to compensations in other areas.

Good health also includes a healthy mind in a healthy body - good physical functioning improves psychological health. Osteopathic care may include health management, manual therapy or onward referral. Osteopaths adapt their therapeutic approach based on the individual needs of the patient.

Simon treats people of all ages but has extensive experience in the treatment of infants.


Acupuncture can bring relief to a wide variety of ailments including stress, anxiety and pain reducing the need for medication. However, good health can only be achieved by addressing the whole person and not just the presenting symptoms.

Acupuncture is one of the longest-established healthcare disciplines in the world based on ancient philosophy and principles dating back about two thousand years. It is based in the principle of “Qi movement” or “energy flow”. When our qi is balanced and full we feel well but if it becomes blocked or stuck then we feel pain or ill. The principle of acupuncture is to unblock and promote Qi flow so that we become pain-free and well again.

Treatment involves the insertion of fine needles into specific acupuncture points located along meridians or channels that circulate qi around the body. By doing this the free flow of qi is re-established, enabling vitality to reach all the tissues and organs, providing nourishment, warmth, and energy to all parts of the body, restoring balance within the body and triggering its natural healing response.

The needles are very fine and Simon’s technique gentle but for those fearful of needles Acupressure can also bring relief.

Traditional Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine works well in partnership with Acupuncture or on its own

It tonifies where there is lack in the body and can help the body expel pathogenic factors that lead to disease.

The traditional concept of a “pathogenic factor” in Asian medicine is different to the modern definition of a pathogen but there are some similarities.

Stemming from an unbroken tradition dating back to the 3rd century BC, traditional medicine forms a major part of healthcare provision in China where it is practiced in hospitals alongside western medicine.

Whilst an orthodox medical diagnosis can be informative it is not always helpful in formulating a traditional herbal treatment strategy. Diagnosis in traditional medicine is rather based on “pattern differentiation” which takes into account the state of the whole system at any one time and not just the named western medical condition.

Treatment is changed and adapted regularly based on the response to any intervention or prescription.

Prognosis can therefore also differ from one based on a named medical condition.

The approach offers something radically different - in other words rooted in a different understanding of how the person becomes unwell and how they heal.